November Update

November Hours: 5

Cumulative Hours: 13

    I hope each one of you who is reading this had an awesome Thanksgiving! My Thanksgiving was filled with plenty of happiness and relaxation. Overall, November was a good month. I conducted 1-2 hours of service with my class and 3 hours of service with one of my best friends from high school. As a class, we made Thanksgiving cards that were to be passed out to various children across the lake who did not have homes/families to go to for the holidays. Uma instructed us how to make the cards, and it was an enjoyable experience to participate in. With my best friend, we attended Second Harvest Food Bank's main Thanksgiving service day where we helped pre-package meals for those who were not fortunate enough to enjoy a home-cooked Thanksgiving meal. That took place the morning before Thanksgiving, and meals were sent out later that afternoon and evening. Some of the meals were also passed out on Thanksgiving Day to many individuals who either had to work or were just in an unfortunate position to not be able to have a cooked meal. Both service projects were fun and enjoyable because it gave back to those in a positive manner so that they, too, could enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday like many others. 

    Out of the whole entire month of November, I would say my most enjoyable topic of studies was the renal system and its related pharmacology. It was interesting to learn more in further detail about specific medications and its contraindications for that particular system because it brought back thoughts of a project I've previously worked on in undergrad. In a past Anatomy and Physiology course that was taken at Xavier University of Louisiana, I had to construct a paper and illustration that represented the renal system in detail in relation to the physiology of hypertension. This topic was easily relatable to within the master's program because I was already familiar with the physiology of the renal system and its major components of Angiotensinogen, Ang I, Ang II, etc. It was interesting to learn about specific medications and how they related to heart failure due to hypertension. 

- Tiffany 


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